
About Me

One time for my grandparents who always instilled in me the importance of saving your money. I have always saved my money, no matter how small the amount- how could I not when my granddaddy shared stories of coming to town with $0 looking for a j.o.b. -to buying a nice home and raising a family to retiring. So I thought I was doing something great by saving my money, however, I would spend it as soon as the opportunity arised and I wasn’t managing my finances. Then my uncle asked me, how much money do you have from last year? I stopped in my tracks- because I didn’t have a dime from the previous year. From there I got back to my natural ability to save but I also developed a budget that helped take control of my finances. I’m still on my journey so walk this path to financial freedom together.

Budget Essentials

Multimedia collage



These worksheets are all you need to start, create, reevaluate, and maintain...